Summary of China

So now when we're just lying here on the beach every day doing nothing, enjoying  29C sun and the ocean, we don't really have that much to write on our blog. We thought me might share with you our impressions of China, their people and all that we experienced there.


First of all, if you're ever going to China, you should know that very few people speaks any form of english you can understand. Especially in Beijing, we're you could think that people would know english because of tourists and all that. No. They don't. The chinese that speak the best english are the crazy-ass vendors at the big markets such as the Silk or Pearl market. The would kill any hotel staff in an english test. So the easiest is to have something written in chinese or just point at a picture if you need something. By the way, this doesn't apply in Hong Kong, none of this  we write here will. They're awesome in Hong Kong. Though it does apply in Macau. Here, there are more chinese than Hong Kong people.


If you're picky with hygiene or easily grossed out, you might wanna think twice about visiting China. They really have their own way with that. First of all, chinese people spit. They spit anywhere, anytime. And they're really not bothered if they spit just next to your shoes or so. No, they just keep walking (and spitting). They spit on the street, the subway, the museums and even in restaurants. And it's ok, cause all of them are doing it, so no one will mind! The worst part about it is probably that they always clear their throat (harklar sig) before they spit. Sounds like they're trying to inhale their brains or so. Kind of. The same goes for smoking, lots of chinese people smoke and they can do it everywhere. We sat in restaurants lots of times where there were non-smoking signs and yet a dozen chinese sat below the sign and smoked like a coalfactory. The restaurant staff won't care, since they will give them ashtrays if there aren't any already!


Found this in a public further comments...

More hygiene stuff - They won't cover their mouth when they sneeze or cough! Know that, because if not, you will be quite chocked the first time a chinese guy turns around and sneezes right out in the open when you're standing next to him. At least we were. We even had a guy that sneezed in the line at Starbucks. Suddenly our blueberry muffin didn't look so appealing anymore. Kind of disgusting. They are better in Hong Kong. Much better. And they even have signs saying like "No spitting" or "Spitting helps spreading bacteria". Quite funny to see a sign like that.


The sign to the right reads "No spiting" (we guess they mean spitting).

With that said, we can at least say that chinese people are honest. No one ever tried to rip us off while we were in China. We never felt worried while taking taxis or buying stuff. Of course they will try to sell you things at the highest price possible in the big markets, but you got to know that before you go there. It's just common knowledge. So they're honest, but do we think they are kind, nice people? Not really. No one, or very few would try to help you if you ask, and if they do, they mostly just point in a direction if you for example are looking for something. Even if it's 5 streets away and lots of turning left or right, they will just point in the direction you should walk first. Not easy finding your way in China. And they really don't respect the traditional queueing (att köa). They will always try to be first, or pushes their way into wherever the hell you're trying to get.


Last, but definetely not least, chinese people stare. A lot. Don't know if it's because it's so uncommon for them to see non-asian people or what it is but if they find something strange or funny with you, they will most certainly stare until their eyeballs pop out. You think it shouldn't be like that in a world renowned city as Beijing, but it is. You can try to send a message by angrily staring back at them, but that won't help. If anything, they will stare even more. They have no sense of discretion. Though we've encountered some exceptions - quite the opposite from the weird staring. They love you. And wanna have their pictures taken with you. Chris got photographed 4 times on the Great Wall with different chinese people and we've had our photos taken in Beijing as well.


Chris gets his photo taken with random chinese people on the Great Wall.

In the end, we don't wanna scare you from going to China. It was awesome and we enjoyed it a lot. China is fantastic, chinese people not so fantastic. But if you're not going there for the purpose of making chinese friends, you'll probarbly have a great time in China. Lots to see, lots of culture and lots of great food.  These are our experiences, so we might be wrong in some points, since we've maybe encountered some thousands out of a more than a billion chinese. But as far as we're concerened, this is China.

Postat av: Liz

Den bilden på dig är så rolig Christopher! Ni får lägga upp alla kina bilder på resedagboken nu tycker jag! Är väldig nyficken :)

2010-10-20 @ 13:47:00
Postat av: Marie

Ja jag blir inte avskräckt från att åka. Skulle gärna. Så ni har blivit europeiska fotomodeller nu??!!

Lägg gärna upp flera bilder.

Många kramar

2010-10-20 @ 14:04:48
Postat av: Marie

Glömde tillägga att jag verkligen fått mig några goda skratt. Ni skriver helt underbart!


PS. Jim håller med

2010-10-20 @ 15:21:24
Postat av: Elise

Mkt intressant. Kulturskillnader är spännande!

2010-10-20 @ 17:08:18
Postat av: Markus

Väldigt intressant att läsa, pojkar! Hoppas att ni har det fint, ser så ut i alla fall. Swines ;)

2010-10-20 @ 19:00:01
Postat av: Zoran

Jag tror inte ni skall får inresevisum till Kina nästa gång ni tänker åka dit,ha,ha.

Mer bilder på ställe ni bor just nu.Det behövs som tröst för os till kommande vintern.

2010-10-21 @ 07:38:27
Postat av: Markus

Första snön föll för ett par timmar sen, gubbar. Ge mig lite bilder så att jag kan drömma mig bort från bilskrapning och annat helvete! :(

2010-10-21 @ 12:47:01

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